Xundis Global is currently offering the following products:
CRISP Thinking® Workshop
CRISP Thinking® Crash Course (Virtual)
CRISP Thinking® for Executives
CRISP LeadershipTM
CRISP Thinking® Facilitation
Product details and pricing are listed below. All prices are subject to change.
CRISP Thinking® Workshop
Sharpen existing and develop new thinking skills to “see the world as it is not as you wish it were”. You will discover how organizational cultures; mental models and cognitive blinders limit individual and organizational learning essential for navigating complexity.
Key Topics:
Introduction to Complexity and why you need new tools.
Introduction to CRISP Thinking® Model – Elements & Concepts.
Sharpen creative & critical thinking skills through practical application.
Recognize your own cognitive blinders & strengthen empathy skills.
Practice applying CRISP Thinking® concepts.
Instill willingness to generate & consider alternative perspectives.
Format: This is a fast paced workshop delivered as a public or private course. The workshop is conducted over two days and comprises lecture discussions and individual and small group exercises that incorporate active learning to instill CRISP Thinking®. Practitioner-Facilitators use extensive practical examples and adult learning techniques to guide the learning of CRISP Thinking® concepts and dependent skills. The optimal delivery is by two Practitioner-Facilitators to (20) twenty attendees, with no more than a total of (25) twenty-five.
Individual Price: $1995.00
CRISP Thinking® Crash Course (Virtual)
Sharpen existing and develop new thinking skills to “see the world as it is not as you wish it were”. You will discover how organizational cultures; mental models and cognitive blinders limit individual and organizational learning essential for navigating complexity.
Key Topics:
Introduction to Complexity and why you need new tools.
Introduction to CRISP Thinking® Model – Elements & Concepts.
Sharpen creative & critical thinking skills through practical application.
Recognize your own cognitive blinders & strengthen empathy skills.
Instill willingness to generate & consider alternative perspectives.
Format: This is a fast paced 6-hour virtual workshop delivered as a public or private course (utilizing zoom or other similar virtual facilitation tool). The workshop comprises lecture discussions and individual and small group exercises that incorporate active learning to instill CRISP Thinking®. Practitioner-Facilitators use extensive practical examples and adult learning techniques to guide the learning of CRISP Thinking® concepts and dependent skills.
Individual Price: $995.00
CRISP Thinking® for Executives
The effective application of CRISP Thinking® improves organizational performance when confronting complexity. Learn the value of CRISP Thinking® as it relates to developing and achieving an organizational vision; policy development; planning guidance and estimates; and informing and underpinning organizational change.
Key Topics:
Complexity and why you need new tools.
CRISP Thinking® and How to Use it.
Selecting & Building Trans-Functional Teams© (TFT).
Empowering the TFT to “think and act beyond the box”.
Format: This is one-day session designed for Board Directors, C-Suite, Senior Executives and their immediate reports and key advisors. It is a small group guided discussion using real world examples to demonstrate CRISP Thinking® and its applicability to organizational challenges. Optimal with no more than a total of (8) eight attendees.
CRISP Leadership
We deliver tailored training and executive coaching leveraging nearly five decades of combined organizational leadership experience gained from building and leading resilient teams under the most adverse conditions.
CRISP Thinking® Facilitation
This product goes beyond the individual and focuses on the collective outcome of the application of CRISP Thinking®, underpinned by a Trans-Functional Team™ (TFT) approach. The TFT(s) are guided by experienced Practitioner-Facilitators to explore the complexity surrounding an actual organizational challenge to gain a deeper and wider appreciation from which to identify, scope and scale the right problem(s) and then the concept(s) for progress that will inform and often translate into subsequent organizational guidance.
Key Topics:
Apply CRISP Thinking® as a core member of a Trans-Functional Team™ focused on an actually organizational challenge.
Apply the concepts of Thinking and Acting Beyond the Box.
Discover new insights surrounding a selected challenge by diving deeper under the surface and synthesizing alternative perspectives that identify both current and emergent risks and opportunities.
Improve your CRISP skills to explore possible futures and the range of choices and dependent consequences that inform a strategic trajectory to attain favorable outcomes.
Artfully apply and improve application of CRISP skills to successfully identify, navigate toward, and attain desired goals in a dynamic and uncertain world.
Translate the design output from a real organizational challenge that informs planning, policy development, organizational change, and strategic resource decisions.
Format: The product is optimally delivered in an asynchronous format over 80 hours separated by a week for reflection and cognitive regeneration. The core of organizational learning occurs in mentally rigorous non-linear TFT activities, which after a week demands mental rest. The formal time away from the problem sustains individual mental sharpness and enables one to unlock innovation through reflection. Unlike other organizational activities, learning can’t be compressed. The value of CRISP Thinking® will be realized in novel solutions to organizational challenges associated with complexity - external threats, bureaucracy, the environment or a combination thereof.
Group Price: Inquire for pricing info